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How are Healthcare Nonprofits Adding
$10,000 Each Month
To their Marketing Budget with
an AdGrant?
How to add
$10,000 Each Month
To your Nonprofit’s Budget with
an AdGrant?
“The days of paying an outside grant writer thousands of dollars and then finding out you didn’t receive the grant are over. CRF guarantees your adgrant or it costs our partners absolutely nothing. We are very particular about who we work with and we vet each organization carefully before making any recommendations, this ensures we maintain our high grant approval rate and also sets rock-solid expectations for our clients.”
President & CEO, Brian Wright
Charitable Resource Foundation
“The days of paying an outside grant writer thousands of dollars and then finding out you didn’t receive the grant are over. CRF guarantees your adgrant or it costs our partners absolutely nothing. We are very particular about who we work with and we vet each organization carefully before making any recommendations, this ensures we maintain our 98% Grant approval rate and also sets rock-solid expectations for our clients.”
President & CEO, Brian Wright-
Charitable Resource Foundation
Fuel Your Healthcare Marketing Initiatives with 
$10,000 / month in kind from Google.
Fund Your Marketing

Imagine the growth you could see if your marketing was better funded.
Increase Occupancy Rates
Connect with more Residents & Patients online to increase your occupancy %.
Service - based Nonprofits
Need to Attract more patients, residents, or customers to your
nonprofit online?
Mission Based
We assist most 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations from healthcare to arts and education.
What is this grant for?
Funding Your Marketing
Imagine the growth you could see if your marketing was better funded.
Fundraising -Centric Nonprofits
Connect with more donors online to increase your fundraising results
Service-based Nonprofits
Need to Attract more patients, residents, or customers to your
nonprofit online?
Industry Specific?
We can assist most 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations from healthcare to arts and education.
Learn More Today
Get Insights from Our Team Today
Review Your Nonprofit Grant Opportunity That Adds $10,000 Per Month To Your Marketing Budget Free to Eligible 501(c)(3)s & Well Established Health Advocacy Organizations.
  • ​Learn About the Application Process and Eligibility Requirements
  • ​Hear How We Have Taken Over 280 Health Clinics & Senior Communities to the Next Level with the Google AdGrant.
  • ​How To Best Add This To Your Marketing Mix
  • ​We Will Also Pre-Qualify Your Organization for the AdGrant 
  • ​You will also have the opportunity to talk to our team 1 on 1 if you prefer
What's Inside?
A Nonprofit Grant Opportunity That Adds $10,000 Per Month To Your Nonprofit's Marketing Budget free to Eligible 501(c)(3)s
  • Information on the ins and outs of the AdGrant program
  • Basic Eligibility Requirements
  • Get Pre-Qualified for this Grant!
  • Pre-Qualification - find out if you qualify within 24 hours
  • Access to our team’s expertise to ensure your application process is smooth and successful
Industries We Deal With!
Health / FQHC
Diseases, Disorders, & Disciplines Patient & Family Support Treatment
& Prevention Services Medical Research
Early Childhood, Youth, & Adult Programs. Special Education Policy & Reform Scholarship & Financial Support
United Ways Jewish Federations Community Foundations Housing & Neighborhood Development
Environmental Protection &
Conservation Botanical Gardens,
Parks, & Nature Centers
Animal Rights, Welfare, & Services Wildlife Conservation Zoos & Auariums
Arts, Cultures,
Historical Societies Landmark Preservation Museums & Performing Arts Public Broadcasting & Media
Open Book
Religious Activities Religious Media & Broadcasting
Rerearch & Public
Non-Medical Science & Technology Research Social & Public Policy Reearch
Human Services & 
Civil Rights
Advocacy & Education Children’s & Family Services Youth Development, Shelter, & Crisis Services Food Banks & Food Pantries Food Distribution Homeless & Social Services
Introducing the new way to 
fund your nonprofits marketing…
Welcome to the
Google AdGrant
Whether you have heard about this grant opportunity before or not keep reading, a ton has changed!
Grow Your Nonprofit
Every nonprofit wants to grow, but what does that mean? What type of people do you need for your nonprofit to grow? Do you need more Patients? More Donors? How about Residents? Whatever your answer, how much more effective do you think you could be if you were given $10,000 each month to spend on marketing? 
$10,000 Per Month
Eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations have a very unique opportunity to utilize an in kind Adgrant to fuel their growth from a marketing standpoint. What does this mean? It means if you nonprofit is eligible, and your application is approved you would be able to utilize $10,000 in adspend on the world’s most popular advertising network of all time Google. 
No Matching
The best part of all of this is your nonprofit is not required to spend $10,000 to receive the $10,000. Google wants to nonprofits to have this tool
How? Google Makes
This Possible
Ever heard of the Tech Giant called Google? You know the one that controls more than 92% of all web searches in the entire world? We figured you had… Well Google is also a mass philanthropist and decided to make a nonprofit tool called the AdGrant program. This program coupled with the right management launches your nonprofit in the right direction towards growth.
What can this program do for my organization?
This Adgrant should not be taken lightly $10,000 per month give you some real marketing fuel. That fuel has been used for all types of organizations from Healthcare organizations like FQHC’s and Senior Communities to true fundraisers like Disaster Relief Funds and Breast Cancer Research. Nonprofits utilizing this program with our team here at CRF have seen immense benefits and growth. 
What Makes
This Program Work?
We get it, the first question we are always asked is “What’s the Catch?
Google made an amazing program, but they cannot manage the Adgrant for you and only a select few genuinely have the expertise to make this program work for you.The AdGrant is by no means “too good to be true”, it’s just too good to be easy.
Eligibility and Compliance 
Receiving this grant requires thorough vetting and specific eligibility requirements. This Adgrant also must to be managed very specifically and very carefully. Google doesn’t give away $10,000 every month on a recurring basis to thousands of nonprofits to watch them misuse the funds. We are experts in abiding by all Google’s terms and conditions, performance requirements, and most of all using their program to prove growth inside your nonprofit.
In-Kind Advertising
Unlike many grants, this adgrant is managed directly on Google’s advertising network, Google Ads. This allows you to have a preloaded amount of advertising spend available to your nonprofit on a monthly basis. This advertising spend can be used to attract new patients, donors, residents… You name it we can attract it!
They Search You Appear
Search advertising will help your nonprofit connect with users when they are the most relevant which is when they are searching for you. When a user searches for a topic you can ensure you give them the results. 
The Right Audience
At The Right Time
From patient acquisition to donor acquisition, this Adgrant helps you reach the right audience at the right time. Hundreds of millions of searches are performed everyday from finding new doctors & discovering senior communities, to exploring nonprofit missions & nearby volunteer opportunities. This grant gives you the ability to reach users when they are searching!
How do I get started?
Google does not entertain the traditional grant application, instead they require a fully developed ads account created within their strict compliance guidelines before the application can be submitted. In our experience 8/10 applications made by non-qualified AdGrant managers result in rejection or end the AdGrant opportunity with a suspension. Best course of action talk with our certified team to ensure you don’t miss this opportunity or worse lose it.
So What We Do
Westminster Village 
Senior Community

"Last month our Google Ad Grant campaign drove over 1700 people to our website with 22,144 ad impressions and a click through rate of 7.93% (well above average ) . Resulting in dozens of phone calls. We really enjoy working with CRF and the results have been impressive."
“In the end, we are very happy that we applied for the grant with CRF. Thus far our campaign results have been pretty much as they said they would be. We are getting much more traffic to our website monthly. Each month’s results have been better and better.

- Alice Nation, Marketing Director - 
Access Health 
Federally Qualified Health Center
Access Health thought they were ineligible for the adgrant then they met CRF...
"We’ve had a great relationship with CRF so far. We have slowly begun
to see an ROI. We are steadily gaining anywhere from 10-15 new
patients each month from this initiative and we are just starting...I would
definitely recommend them. Keaton, who we work with is extremely marketing savvy! Being a one-person department it’s really helpful to bounce ideas off of him... "

-Laci Sumpter, Marketing Director-
Industries We Currently Work With!
Healthcare Services
FQHCs and other healthcare nonprofits use this adgrant to find new patients to utilize their current practice areas.

You can also Promote Your TeleHealth Initiatives! 
Early Childhood, Youth, & Adult Programs. Special Education Policy & Reform Scholarship & Financial Support
Senior Living 
Senior Care is an extremely competitive marketing environment, get assistance with an extra $10,000 in marketing spend to find new residents
Environmental Affairs
Environmental Protection & Conservation Botanical Gardens,
Parks, & Nature Centers
Animal Rights
Animal Rights, Welfare, & Services Wildlife Conservation Zoos & Auariums
Arts, Cultures,
Historical Societies Landmark Preservation Museums & Performing Arts Public Broadcasting & Media
Christian Churches, Religious Activities, Religious Media, Broadcasting, & much more
Research & Public
Non-Medical Science & Technology Research Social & Public Policy Reearch
Human Services & 
Civil Rights
Advocacy & Education Children’s & Family Services Youth Development, Shelter, & Crisis Services Food Banks & Food Pantries Food Distribution Homeless & Social Services
What Our
Clients Say!
Southeast Christian
Christs Church is our flagship online churchcommunity, driving hundreds of thousands ofnew users to their live stream and not to mentionChrist’s Church is home to the lead consultantJoey Santos and has executed their livechurch platform from start to finish
Christ Church has turned their live church into afundraising machine also, Want to learn more?Watch their video on the next page! 
Access Health
"We’ve had a great relationship with CRF so far. We have slowly begun to see an ROI. We are steadily gaining anywhere from 10-15 new
patients each month from this initiative and we are just starting...I would definitely recommend them. Keaton, who we work with is extremely marketing savvy! Being a one-person department it’s really helpful to bounce ideas off of him... "
Want to learn more?
Click here to read about the adgrant and fill out a eligibility application
Ready to talk with our team?  
Book a meeting with an AdGrant specialist today
Ready to get started? 
Fill out a pre-qualification application here 
Want to talk with our team first? 
Book a meeting with an AdGrant specialist today
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